3 Lane Bungee Run Rentals | usainflatables.com Twin Cities MN.

3 Lane Bungee Run

3 Lane Bungee Run


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Setup Area: Must be on a flat surface (grass is preferred). 3 feet of clearance around the perimeter of the unit with 6 feet of clearance by entrance, exit and overhead lines. Sand Bags are required for set ups where staking is not an option.

Actual Size: 35x16x8.5

Monitors: Customer is responsible to have 1 attendant watching the inflatable at all times while in use. (attendant not provided)

Outlets: 2 separate outlets required - (Blowers and 2 - 100' Extension cords included)

Age Group: 3 Lane Bungee Run is best for 12 years old through adults - Not recommended for those under 10 years old.


Now everyone has the opportunity to experience the popular sport of bungee jumping in our horizontally adapted game. The three participants wear upper body harnesses which are connected to the inflatable unit with a bungee cord, much like a large rubber band. The three participants race down their own lane, place a baton as far down the dividing center as possible, or grab a prize, before the bungee cord springs them backward. The farther you go forward, the greater the spring backward.1